Tired of being single and having no one to share your ideas, dreams and desires with? You have an urgent need to mingle with people and want to play an important role in their lives. But there's a problem... you don't know where to meet women with whom you can share your dreams and fantasies.
You're not alone in that. And while you may want to believe that being single has a few perks here and there, you know in your heart that having someone to call your own can be extremely satisfying.
If you're having a hard time meeting beautiful women who are serious about you, you should definitely read this post to the end because I'll give you helpful tips that will surely improve your dating and love life.
First of all, the most comfortable way to meet women is, of course, online. That's no big secret. You can install dating apps like Tinder, Bumble or Lovoo and start getting to know them right away. We have even specially developed a software for this, which automatically assigns Likes in the previously mentioned platforms. The whole thing is called Auto Swiper and is really worth a try.
However, acquaintances from the real world, be it at a coffee or in a gym are usually of higher quality. It is highly recommended to meet women in everyday life as well!
Table of contents
Where to meet women?
What is the Tinder algorithm?
In general, you can meet women everywhere. Just in your daily routine you will meet many women. Unfortunately, society is a bit closed nowadays, but that's not a problem for you if you learn how to approach women.
Yes, this skill can really be trained and there are even
numerous coaching sessions for it that really help!
If you decide to take such a coaching, I can tell you
it will change your life. After all, from then on you
will learn how to meet new women and will no longer be
limited to a few acquaintances. This will give you a
completely new view on the relationship issue.
When choosing a place to approach and meet women, at least one of 3 factors should be given, the more the better:
- The woman is in no hurry and may even wait for the next bus / train
- There is already a good mood and is therefore already open to flits (e.g. vacation, party)
- There are a lot of women or singles hanging around there.
Get to know women in everyday life
Maybe you have already tried in the past to meet women in everyday life. But you have not found a suitable place, or you just did not dare to approach them. You should first look at the places where you yourself like to be. Because common interests are really advantageous for a relationship. But this is not a must, there are also neutral places such as the local mall or the dog park.
Since Corona has been up to its mischief, many people have been staying at home, which doesn't really make it any easier to meet women. However, many relationships also go to ruin, because people increasingly sit on each other, which creates space for new connections.
If you're looking for a place to meet women on a day-to-day basis, here are some helpful suggestions:
Clubs and bars
2 out of 3 factors apply: No hurry & Good mood

We have all read and heard many beautiful and romantic things about bars and clubs. They are the center of social life in many big cities and you can meet people from all walks of life there. Maybe you will find an open-minded woman you like in a club.
Women in clubs or bars are really waiting for flits with sympathetic men, moreover, they usually bring a lot of time. This makes club and bars especially attractive to meet new women. They are usually very open-minded, in addition, there is the possibility to spend the rest of the day with her, or even take her home.
You should try to stay sober, most women find drunk men unattractive. When you approach a woman, you have a very high value in her eyes. However, this goes to ruin when you are drunk, because then she thinks that you have drunk your courage.
The problem:
The number of single, attractive women who visit bars and clubs is not as high as it is portrayed in movies or romantic books. Moreover, not all men are gregarious. Some men are introverts and find clubs a turn-off.
Approach women on the street
2 out of 3 factors apply: No hurry & Many women

There are countless women (also single women) who are usually not in a hurry. How often have you met pretty women in the city? Maybe you just didn't actively notice them. If you have, maybe you just didn't dare to approach them because you didn't know what to say. If you put your mind to it, you can approach 20 women in one day. If you have already learned how to approach women on the street, you will definitely not go home without a number.
No wonder that many men try to meet women in a pedestrian zone. It is worth a try; opportunities arise many, you just have to use them!
The problem with this is:
Either you were born to do it or you have to train yourself to do it. The majority of people have to train themselves. But it is a lot of fun and will develop you personally.
At platforms and stops
1 of 3 factors applies very strongly: No hurry

Stations and stops are great. You should address especially women who sit and wait anyway and therefore bring a lot of time. They will be happy if you address them during the boring waiting time you something flirting with her.
You should not approach women who sprint packed with suitcases to catch their bus or train, which is already at the stop. From women with hectic you will certainly be ignored. The time factor is really very important, your chances of success are very much dependent on it.
My tip are main stations in a big city. Every train comes full of women you can meet. Often in 2 minute intervals. There you will meet mainly working or traveling women. You can, for example, plan to approach one woman per train.
The problem with this: Main stations are often a bit run down and you will be approached by many people if you have money for them. Another problem is that the women sometimes try to catch the train / bus and are accordingly in stress. You should not approach these women.
Meet women on vacation
2 out of 3 factors apply: No hurry & Good mood

If you are looking for a place to meet women, you should approach your next vacation with a different attitude. Vacation is not only a great opportunity to switch off, relax and see the world, but also to meet new friends or women. Women who are on vacation alone are often very outgoing and looking for someone to spend their vacation with.
Meeting women on vacation is really a beautiful experience. After all, you create a beautiful memory directly from day one. Not infrequently, the contact remains even after the vacation or is even strengthened.
When you go on vacation alone, you get to know yourself better and bring your personality to a new level. It is highly recommended to go on vacation alone, regardless of meeting women.
The problem with this: Many can not afford a vacation or fly away only for a few days. Especially in today's times with Corona, the vacation can be more difficult.
Meet women at a festival
2 out of 3 factors apply: No hurry and a very good mood

A common taste in music plays a big role for many women. But this is also somehow understandable, if one listens to love songs and the other meanwhile headbangs on heavy metal, a relationship crisis is pre-programmed.
At a festival everyone has a very good mood and is usually also pretty drunk or . On the campground everyone sits on their camping chairs in front of the tent, drinks and has fun. The way to the neighbors is not far. At the campsite or at the nearest lake you are guaranteed to meet women.
Women and men at a festival are usually very open to new contacts, the larger the group is or becomes, the more fun it will be. In a festival, women really blossom and just want to have fun.
The problem:
Meeting women is limited to the summer, there are certainly festivals that take place in the winter, but this is not the rule. Furthermore, you will only meet drunk or otherwise intoxicated people here, so if that is not for you, you might want to look for another place where you can meet women.
Get to know women in sports
1 of 3 factors apply: No hurry

Whether it's jogging in a park, going to the gym or doing martial arts, many love stories have started while playing sports. You like sports and you want your partner to do the same, then the gym or the park is the perfect place to meet a woman.
It's really easy to meet women in sports, especially if you both have identical goals and aspirations. For athletes, it's often important to find a like-minded partner to push each other.
The problem is: It sometimes turns out difficult to flirt during sports, often both are sweaty and out of breath.
Meet women while bathing
2 out of 3 factors apply: Good mood and No hurry

It's summer and burning hot, who doesn't like to go to a lake, an outdoor pool or the sea? Add some music and a cold beer or cocktails and the mood is great.
Most people lie around lazily, cool off briefly in the water, play soccer, volleyball or badminton. You can use every situation super to meet women. Maybe a soccer ball or shuttlecock flies to the women next to you by chance, and when you retrieve it you can easily start a conversation.
As you can see, there is really a lot of potential to meet women here. If you have made the first contact, you can simply meet again at the same lake / indoor pool / sea, after all, one usually remains faithful to a body of water. So it is a perfect opportunity to meet several times.
Another advantage of meeting women while bathing is that you get to know them directly and naturally. Make-up washes off in the water (if not waterproof), which is one of the reasons why many men want to meet women here.
The problem:
This place to meet women is limited to high summer. Depending on where you live, it may be that in the year only 2-3 months is really warm. This time should be used in any case!
Libraries and bookstores
1 of 3 factors apply: No hurry

The fire of love can be lit in the most unusual places, and libraries and bookstores are not left out. Libraries are places where you have a good chance to meet women who are smart and intelligent. An intelligent woman is every man's dream, and libraries have them in abundance.
Additionally, it's very easy to find a conversation starter in a library. When checking out books, you can ask her if she liked the book because you're thinking about reading it, too. You can also make up a question about a piece of literature, or ask where a book is that you (supposedly) can't find.
The problem is:
Women in a library are often focused on their books and don't come with the intention of meeting men. In addition, it is quite quiet in the room, so that everyone gets your little conversation. Some men are certainly uncomfortable with that.
Dog parks
2 out of 3 factors apply: Many women and No hurry

It is no secret that many women love animals, especially dogs. If you own a cute dog and walk it, women will come up to you. This is an extraordinary situation, isn't it? It can be very pleasant when you don't have to make the first move.
Meeting women in dog parks is really a no-brainer. In addition, you do something good for yourself and your dog. It's a classic win-win situation that you should definitely take advantage of!
If you do not own a dog, you certainly have a friend who does. You can ask him if you can walk his dog, or you can walk with him together with his dog and take the opportunity to meet women.
There are a lot of people who come to the park with their dogs and also some who just watch dogs playing and talking. It is an ideal place to meet new women who might be interested in you.
The problem is: In smaller towns there are usually no dog parks and if there are, they are usually empty. It is sometimes difficult to meet women there.
2 out of 3 factors apply: No hurry and a good mood

If we make a list of places to meet women, weddings are probably at the top of the list. Everyone loves weddings, but most people don't know that they can meet women at these events. Many single women meet the man of their dreams there.
You can ask the organizers of the wedding to introduce a few single women. Or you can ask a woman to dance. You can also get to know a woman during the wedding games.
Every woman wants to wear a wedding dress once in her life, these emotions are triggered at a wedding. So this is a perfect moment for getting to know a woman. They love weddings and wish that increased at the moment, a good time for you to take advantage of the situation.
The problem with this:
A wedding is rather a rare event. The opportunity will probably not come old so often in your life.
Meet women online
3 out of 3 factors apply: No rush, Many single women & Relationship readiness (Good mood).
Now that we've mentioned some places where you can meet women in the real world and the problems associated with them, you may want to look for more flexible solutions on the Internet. Online dating sites still offer the best opportunities to meet a woman without much effort
The best thing about dating platforms is that they are mostly free. You can pay a small monthly fee to use advanced features. You can enter all the information about yourself in your profile and you will receive matches from women who are interested in you and may even have the same interests.
If you're new to online dating and may have trouble choosing the right platform, here are the most popular dating apps. Each app offers different advantages. Thanks to the high number of users of these platforms, you are guaranteed to have a chance to meet a woman or two.
The success of online dating depends very much on your profile pictures. That's why you should use our Tinder tips read and additionally a few good Tinder Opener prepare. With this, you are well prepared.
The best dating apps 2022
Tinder is the biggest dating app with about 75 million users and has been around for half an eternity. However, the female quota on Tinder is only about 25%, which is relatively low. You will meet a lot of competition here.
But we have a good news for you, there is a software for Tinder that will outperform your competition. We have a Tinder Auto Swiper developed to assign Likes fully automatically. This will increase the number of visitors and matches enormously. Just try it for free!
Bumble is the third largest dating app with about 40 million users and offers its users innovative features. The female ratio on Bumble is about 35%, which is relatively high for a dating app. You will be able to meet many women here. However, Bumble has almost half as many users as Tinder, which makes up for it a bit.
On Tinder, you can meet women, make new friends, or even find business partners. Also, in this app, the woman has to make the first move. Men can only text if the woman sends a message within 24 hours after a match. This is probably the reason for the increase in the number of women.
With our Bumble Auto SwiperYou will increase the number of visitors to your profile enormously. As a result, you are guaranteed to receive more match messages.
Lovoo is particularly popular in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The number of users is not particularly high, but the users are mainly limited to these 3 countries. That's why you hardly notice a difference to bigger dating apps like Tinder or Bumble in these countries. In fact, it seems that many more people in Germany use Lovoo than Tinder, for example.
Our Lovoo Auto Swiper shows extreme effect on this platform. Because here the dates are displayed multiple times, which leads to the fact that you will consistently stand on the #1 place in the matches of women. Alone because of this you will get many messages. Women think this is fate, or a mistake by Lovoo. You can use this to your advantage!
Where you can meet women? Actually everywhere. Whether on the Internet or in everyday life while shopping - you just have to dare to take the first step. This is not always easy, because you have to leave your comfort zone. But with a little practice, you'll get it done for sure!
If you prefer to take it easy for now, you can try online dating first. You can check out our Tinder tips read through and avoid beginner mistakes!